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Thursday, September 14, 2006

Regarding comments

The following was sent to me concerning the article by William F. Sauerwein WHAT MILITARY OPTION FOR IRAN?:

"I just don't understand war mongers like you! What makes you think American actions are currently making this world more secure? It is instead creating more tension and conflicts. If America can develop their own Nuclear weapons, why can't other people develop theirs? What right does America have in denying other people the nuclear option?"

Let me state that I moderate comments for this site to prevent spammers from making useless comments. I initially deleted this comment because 1. The author chose to remain anonymous and 2. It presented a tone of anger, not reason. Upon rethinking the comment, I decided to post it here so you could have the chance to read it and possibly comment on it. While I welcome comments, please (if possible) post your name. Do not hide yourself behind anonymity as it hurts your argument. Also, please try to offer good reasons with supporting evidence if you disagree with a post, don't just resort to cheap shots and name calling. I will admit bias towards William as he is my father, but I also happen to know that he is very knowledgeable in many areas and to call him a war monger is uncalled for and rude since he has 24 years of honorable service to this nation in the US Army under his belt.

To sum this up, if you comment, BE RESPECTFUL of the authors and offer reasoned arguments with good evidence. If you resort to name calling, I will not publish your comment. If you present just angry ranting, I most likely will not publish your comment. Again, we welcome debate and discussion and comments, but please be respectful of us as authors and keep your comments civil.

Daniel Sauerwein,


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